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Artist Spotlight/Interview - Hello June

We interviewed Hello June, who hail from Morgantown, West Virginia. The duo's genre is most definitely indie rock, but they pull comps to early indie/alt favorites such as The Cure and Echo in the Bunnymen (sans the keys), particularly thematically and through the guitar work. At There music is deserving of more expansive critical acclaim and coverage, and they're starting to get it, as they were recently covered by NPR who agrees. Anyway, check out what they had to say and be sure to check out their sound, because they're pretty damn good and Alt Revue Approved!

1. How did you come to pursue music and how long have you been at it?

We both entered the musical world as kids by learning classic country songs from older relatives. We found each other in college and we've been playing together in various bands, projects and configurations ever since.

2. Could you walk us through your process of writing music?

Our writing process has become increasingly spontaneous and fluid while working on our new album. We have been finding ways to find songs that fit the feel of a particular time as opposed to simply attaching components on top of already-structured material. We find it very important to first settle into a good foundational feel before arranging a song.

3. What artists have inspired you in your career?

Patti Smith holds a special place as a strong woman that has lived in full devotion to both her art and to the need for art as a driver of social and political change. June Carter, Reba McEntire, Neil Young, Elton John and Alanis Morisette were some early inspirations, and college brought Patti Smith, Jason Molina, and Cat Power, to name a few. We’re currently enjoying The Barr Brothers, Courtney Barnett and McKinley Dixon.

4. What is one thing that you want the public to know about your music?

Our goal is always to find an appropriate sound and dynamic for whatever room we're playing in - be that a theatre, studio, bar or living room. We're proud of our official recordings but we also continually strive to find the correct feel for our surroundings instead of conveying something static and coerced.

5. Do you have any upcoming projects you would like fans to know about?

Our self-titled album will be coming out on September 28. We're very pleased with how naturally it captures this moment in time for where we are as a band

FMI on Hello June visit: or on Facebook and Twitter @wearehellojune

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