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Artist Spotlight - RØYLS

We had the opportunity to chat with alt-pop group RØYLS! In a short time they have already began to make a name for themselves on the alt scene, consistently attracting listeners on streaming services, etc. Check out what they had to say in our Artist Spotlight interview! 

1. How did you come to pursue music and how long have you been at it?

I was always musical as a kid but I kind of filtered in and out of playing music growing up until I was about 15 and started posting covers online and playing in pubs for fun. I think it was when I was 17 that I knew I really wanted to pursue music, I had just dropped out of college for the 3rd time after trying three different courses and life  wasn’t making sense and the only thing that did make sense was writing and posting covers on social media building my socials. So I did that for about 7 months and luckily someone in the industry reached out off the back of one of my covers, after that music became everything.

2. Could you walk us through your process of writing music? 

It always starts with an Idea, whether I like a certain chord progression im noodling about with or I have a concept that’s been dwelling on my mind or a little melody I just hummed by accident. I tend to sing gibberish whilst I make up melodies then once I have the core of the song mapped out or a faint vision of where it’s heading I’ll work more on the production/ lyrics. Then 90% of them live and die in my voice memos. 

3. What artists have inspired you in your career?

Growing up, it was Robbie Williams, George Michael and Johnny Cash that played a huge role. I’m starting to think my parents only owned 3 CD’s collectively as we listened to them religiously on car rides. The Killers really sparked a lot of my inspiration when I first started writing, Brandon Flowers is a genius.

4. Do you have any favorite music gear (guitars, amps, effects pedals, keyboards, etc.) that you love to use?  If so, what’s the story on them?

I love Fender Telecasters. what a beaut of a guitar. I remember saving up and buying my first one (which I still use now) and feeling so badass. My dream is to get my hands on a 1960’s one. A boy can hope!

5. Can you describe the vibe at your live shows?  Also, what do you enjoy most about a venue when you do a show?

Our main mission with our live shows is that everyone’s having a good time. I think for a lot of people music, especially live concerts is an escape from reality and a safe place where you can be in the moment and drop everything else on the outside and I love that music can do that. 

I enjoy when a venue has a big dressing room cause me and the lads can bust out a quick game of twister. 

6. What is one thing that you want the public to know about your music?

That’s a tough question, I don’t think there is one I wouldn’t want to put a label on it. Music is so powerful and 20 people could interpret and connect with a song each in their own way. To answer the question partially I put a lot of myself into writing songs so if it can connect with one person I’m happy.

7. Can you tell us about the writing, recording, and production process of your new EP I Think Too Much?

We wrote the majority of the EP in LA last year, We spent a lot of time with the legend himself John Feldmann crafting together the songs in his studio which was an amazing experience. Earlier this year we went on a writing trip and wrote Choose to Believe and we knew instantly we wanted it to be the next release. So that’s when we decided we wanted to put out our first body of work ‘I think too much’.

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