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Artist Spotlight - Elizabeth

(Photo Credit - Naomi Lee Beveridge) 

We had the opportunity to interview alt-pop musician Elizabeth! Her songs produce fantastic melodies that are accompanied by "ugly truths" in her lyrics. This is an artist to definitely keep an eye on. Check out what she had to say in our Artist Spotlight interview!

1. How did you come to pursue music and how long have you been at it?

"I have been making music for as long as I can remember. When I was a small girl my dad taught me how to sing harmonies to Eagles songs. I started writing when I was about 8 or 9 and just never stopped. I played in lots of bands before releasing my debut solo album this year."

2. Could you walk us through your process of writing music? 

"I write to process my feelings about the world and my relationships. So my songs are lots of feelings, lots of heartbreak. I have a piano in my bedroom that I sit and write at most days but I probably only end up using about a quarter of what I write. Sometimes when I am feeling like having a routine I’ll have a studio day once a week but for the most part I write when I feel something."

3. What artists have inspired you in your career?

"I love pop music, I love Lana, Lady Gaga, Lorde. I also love Kate bush, and st Vincent... i have a Stevie Nicks tattoo because she’s my queen. I like artists that create aesthetic worlds around their music." 4. Do you have any favorite music gear (guitars, amps, effects pedals, keyboards, etc.) that you love to use?  If so, what’s the story on them?

"I don’t really think about gear that much, but I’m trying to learn some more about how things work. Something that has really changed my live set up is the Roland SPD-SX which is a sample pad. My drummer uses it to recreate a lot of the sounds on the album. That’s been a real learning curve for me because I had never worked with any electronics in music before that."

5. Can you describe the vibe at your live shows?  Also, what do you enjoy most about a venue when you do a show?

"I think that my shows are about emotional connection. I want people to really feel what I’m saying, and I want to feel connected to the people watching me. I think obviously the best thing about a venue is when the sound is good for both the band and the audience. And having a place to hide before the show because I’m always feeling shy before I play."

6. What is one thing that you want the public to know about your music?

"That it’s an honest and flawed report on being an angel and a monster."

7. Do you have any upcoming projects you would like fans to know about?

"I will be releasing some new videos in the new year so keep your eyes peeled."

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